Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Commencement

Wow! The past two weeks have been something out of the ordinary for me. I started a new job after deciding not to make the trip to Anchorage for our end of the season races. To be honest, I just wanted to be home for awhile and enjoy the Spring here. I also felt the financial strain of being gone for the past 4 months just weekend to weekend. It's amazing how fast things can add up. 

It's funny the transition this time of year from skiing to work. I'm hoping to get back into the classroom soon to see the kids. It has been too long.

I will elaborate in my next email but I am taking a turn in my professional career. Right now is a slight deviation, and I'll be moving into a different light outside of Nordic skiing. I will still be skiing domestically but my time racing as a Olympic hopeful are probably over. We'll see how the next couple of years treats me. Until next time here are some pictures to explain my last two weeks!


Some LL Bean Eurosport time!

My god child, Logan, getting into the dog food. 

Doing some video editing with my brother, Kjell.

Logan going for the Cheerios.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Euro Tour

I have been back in Northern Europe now for the last two weeks and it has been spectacular. My results haven't been where I have wanted them but honestly not too surprised given my schedule in the early season and I'm not that bummed. I love racing on the World Cup. It's what makes me feel like I am professionally chasing Nordic skiing as a career.

Last weekend we were in Lahti, Finland for a skate sprint and a 15k sprint. The course was very soft and it was very warm. Much of the course I spent trying to lift my legs out of the mush I had just set them into. I have never had hip flexors be so sore.

We then traveled to Drammen, Norway for a city classic sprint. I actually felt much better than I actually did. Oh well. These things happen sometimes on the World Cup.

Today I am racing my favorite World Cup. It is 50k of classic skiing at one of the most iconic Nordic skiing locations in the world: The Holmenkollen. This is the one race that I had always dreamed about growing up and racing. The race I always heard people talking about. Today I am racing it for my second time. As much as it will hurt, I will enjoy every second. The crowds, the songs, and the smells of everyone tailgating their favorite event in Norway.

I'm headed home on Monday and will finish off my season in Anchorage, AK.


Kikkan and I in our new LL Bean

Watching some sprinting with US fans

Walking to Drammen

Holmenkollen stadium with Erik and Reese

Foggy and raining in Oslo

Our "close," quaint quarters in Norway

My bib for the Holmenkollen