Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back to SummerQuest

Ahhhhh... summertime in the Rockies! After a full month of fires in Colorado we finally got some rain. TONS OF RAIN! It almost hasn't stopped raining since July 1st. It has been nice in terms of cooling things off. AND, it has hardened up the bike trails. We raced the Vail Grind last week which is 17 miles and 2000ft of climbing. I was 4th in the Pro category and paid for it the rest of the day and following day with some seriously sore muscles.

This weekend we also did a 125 mile ride with my uncle from Evergreen to Avon and it took us 11 hours. My poor butt. It rained half the time, but we had such a great time with family.

I have just started SummerQuest again and we having twice the fun as we did last year. It's fun knowing all the kids already and they respect us more than we did last year. I think they look up to us. We have a theme of Summer Olympics and I will get to do a presentation on my road to the winter Olympics in 2014. Last week we got to go to a symphony orchestra in Vail and the kids loved it. One of the kids knew I was getting married and wore the t-shirt below. Pretty funny I thought.

4 weeks till I'm getting married. Can't wait. Especially for the 8 days following in Kauai ;)