Thursday, September 22, 2011

Back to the Mountains of Colorado

I had a great time out in Lake Placid at the US Ski Team intensity camp. When I left off I was just into the first week of training and the rest of the second week proved to be just as good as the first. We had some good time trails and some good group workouts.

One of the big workouts of the week was the Climb to the Castle. This race is one that I have done 3 years now and it climbs 2,000 vertical feet in 5 miles. It, traditionally, is a skate rollerski race but because of a foot issue I am having (specifically posterior tibial tendonitis) I had to classic the race. Going into the race I am not sure what I was expecting for a result. I knew it was going to be a completely different kind of race. As the race started I found myself at the back of the pack, fearing that if I started on the front line I would either be passed or start out too hard. I found myself in the middle of the pack about 300m up the hill and then began to pass some people. I was keeping pace with the front pack, but they were still about 100 feet ahead.

I ended up finishing 5th overall, skaters and classic skiers.

I caught a hard time at the end of the race. I knew I would. No one wants to be passed by someone with another technique, in this case, classic skiing. I know I wouldn't. But regardless, its not going to keep me from trying my absolute hardest. I averaged about a 185bpm heart rate and maxed out at 189 with a low heart rate of 180. I strode the whole way, naturally causing a sore back, and was able to kick double-pole two short, flatter sections. A good effort for me.

We ended the camp with an OD classic ski and some more speeds for Green Racing Project racer, Tim Reynolds, myself and teammate, Mike Vigers.

I love being back in the east after missing it for a couple months at a time. We had an amazing family, The McClellands house us for a second year in a row. We ate well, slept in comfy beds, took outdoor showers, went cliff jumping, rested, and had a great time. I look forward to this camp every year and will continue to do so.

Some articles on the camp if you are interested:

Placid Sprint Race

Climb to the Castle Report

Pictures from Climb to the Castle

Video from Climb to the Castle

I am attaching another article written about the decline of financial assistance in the US

"As an example, Vordenberg pointed to the recent addition of B-team athletes Noah Hoffman and Tad Elliott to the Team Homegrown squad, where they will receive financial support from the Ski and Snowboard Club of Vail" - Fasterskier

A good article and points out why outside assistance is in much need right now. I feel lucky and honored to be apart of a program like In-The-Arena (ITA) for this reason. ITA will be the reason that I will be able to compete where and when I need to. Thanks a million Amory and ITA!

Below are some pictures of the week in Placid. I'll be putting up a video sometime in the next month. Off to Park City for another camp here on October 10th. 
Men's leaders on the Climb (Bib 67 is my teammate Tad Elliott)
Sylvan heading around the second to last switchback on the Climb to the Castle
View from the top of the Climb to the Castle

Sylvan leading the first sprint quarterfinal